In Observance of Presidents' Day, all Union State Bank locations will be closed Monday, February 17, 2025.

Move to USB

Changing banks can be a BIG task. We want to make this process as easy as possible for you. Our Move to USB Kit includes just about everything you need to move your accounts to Union State Bank with ease. Your move - YOUR way.

If you prefer, you can have a packet mailed to you. Our standard Move to USB Kit includes all the forms found on the Lets Get Moving page and provides basic information about our accounts and the services we offer. We will help you switch all your automatic payments and deposits with ease and efficiency.

Simply fill out the information sheet below and click on the submit button to receive a standard Move to USB Kit. We will mail it out as soon as we receive your request. We look forward to serving you for many years to come.

Let's Get Moving!

Welcome to the Union State Bank Move to USB Kit Checklist and Forms. You may download the appropriate form by clicking the icon below. To download the FREE Adobe Reader.

1) Apply for an account with Union State Bank.
- Choose theUnion State Bank account that's right for you. Take a look at our Deposit Accounts to find the perfect fit.
- Open your account(s) at Union State Bank.

2) Fill out a USB Switch Kit

3) Discontinue using your old bank account(s). Make sure to leave enough funds in this account to cover any outstanding items.

4) Destroy all unused checks and deposit tickets. Contact your old bank to cancel ATM / debit cards.

5) Diligently monitor your switch organizer to make sure all payments and deposits are "making the switch."
- Once all the outstanding items and switches are complete, fill out an Account Closing request, contact your old financial institution, and close the account(s).

Once your account is established, use our Online Banking to monitor your new account. This is a quick and easy way to check on the status of your payments and deposits. If you have any questions regarding the switch to USB, please feel free to contact us at (515) 462-2161. We look forward to serving you for many years to come.







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